Thursday, August 23, 2007

First Week of the 3rd Grade

I am sure you all are wondering how my week has gone...well to be honest it started out kind of rocky. No-body really talked to me and the school is WAY different. They give out FREE breakfast in the morning (if you get there early enough), school doesn't start until 8:20am and it gets out at 3:10pm and they do not have a recess all you get is like 15 minutes to eat your lunch and like 10 minutes to play before it is back to class. Everything is in doors (that's kind of nice since it is 98 degrees and 84% humidity, I hear it is nice in the winter time too. Today I had my first test, was too easy...tomorrow I have 2 more test one on maps and globes and then a spelling test...easy words like...imagination, fresh and not...see I told you easy... I have made a few friends but no-one that I would call a GOOD friend just some aquantances. Today I started a dance class, it was fun. I hope all is going well with everyone please e-mail me if you ever feel up to it.

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