Saturday, June 14, 2008


WOO HOO!!!! Today I turned 9 years old...I had a sleepover and ALL my best friends showed up!!! We made hand made personal Pizza's, home made Donuts (thanks to my Auntie Destiny), we had a tissue paper Fashion Show, and made foam frames and visors and bookmarks! We had a game of Twister and played Mall Madness then settled down to watch My Girl and Game Plan....PHEW...what a night....My mom is super tired....but it was a blast! Happy 9th B-Day to me!!!!


More pictures of my 9th

I am 9 today!!!!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

just to say "hi"

Well I just wanted to say "hi".I heared your out of school (lucky).I am still in school.On Tuseday I have to take a District Assesment test .Well bye!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I almost forgot

I almost forgot to tell you...You know the cool Avril Lavigne concert that was canceled....well...she canceled the rest of her concert permanently ;-( but that is OKAY because now my Aunt and Mom and I are going to the Paramore Concert when I get back from Grove and this one come with Tickets to the Fair!!! WOO HOO!!!!!

Catch Up

Hmmm, well, were do I start, it has been about a month since I last Blogged. There has been a lot that has happened. My mom got a Job (Woo Hoo) and we have had a lot of fun this past month. There was a Mother Daughter Roller Skate 80's night, I had a sleep over at a friends house (and was the last to sleep...I made it to 3am) and I am having 2 Birthday parties....I had a bounce house party (were my mom and dad chipped in together and got me a Nintendo DS LOVE IT)and I am having a sleep over, too! I am still taking swim lessons and was taking some art classes. I will be in Grove Oklahoma for the month of July so check out Java Dave's and see if I'm in to say "Hi". So we have been getting ready for that trip. My friends in the picture below are Mishika she is from my new school and Miranda she is from Bryant Ranch my school I went to before Grove. My mom and I hope everything and everyone is doing well! We are! Blessing to everyone!

Birthday Celebration

Art work

My mom made me some really cool artwork for my wall...there was so much LIME green that we had to break it up a bit... I love it, it is soooo cool! Thanks MOM

Mother Daughter Skate Night

Mommy and Me at the Harada "Mother Daughter" skate night...we took this picture after many tumbles on the skating rink floor hahaha!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Concert day

Here are me, my mom and my Aunt Lindsey ready to go to the concert and then a picture of me standing in line hardly breathing I am so Excited...the guess what.....Avril Lavigne postponed the concert because she got sick...Yep no joke!!! I will have to send pictures of the concert another day...hopefully it wont take her to long to get back here to see her!

Avril Poster

Here I am creating my poster for the Avril Concert...I am so Excited to be going.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

OMG Avril Lavigne

I am so excited...My Aunt Lindsey, Uncle James and Ethan had gotten me an early Birthday present...I get to go see my favorite singer in the WHOLE world....Avril Lavigne..this Saturday...LIVE!!!!! I have never been to a concert before, but I am going all out, Mom is going to get poster board and we're going to make a sign, and then possibly a t- shirt??? This is going to be SOOOOOOO much fun...keep an eye out for pictures this Sunday!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The BFGplay at the Lewis Family Playhouse at Victoria Gardens

Hi guys,
Well yesterday my mom and I went on my first field trip with Harada's 3rd grade. We went to see the play "The BFG" (it was a book we just finished reading that morning), it was really neat and after we even got to ask the actors questions. My feet were killing me by the end of the day...I think I ended up with six Band-aides all together. Luckily mom thought fast and ran into a store and ask for some...a few girls needed them. Mom to the rescue! Enjoy the pictures!

More of the BFG

Here are pictures of my class, the girls from the class and my friends Dalaney and Mechika....check out those poor always said "beauty is pain"...Dress shoes are NOT for me! Were are my Converse or DC's!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Busy Weekends

Well hello everyone, My weekends are still flowing with LOTS of activities, this weekend consisted of Swimming lessons, a T-Ball game for my cousin Garrett (it was a blast, I remember these days), an amazing play at my church Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat, and today shopping for some dress shoes because Tuesday my school is going to see another play called BFG (Big Friendly Giant, it is a good book that we have been reading in class) that's at a REAL Theater in a place called Victoria Gardens, We'll publish those pictures Tuesday night when we get back, my mom gets to go on this field trip, we have to dress up, boys in suits and girls in skirts or dresses, it should be fun going to the Theater. Hope you enjoy this weekends pictures.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat

So here I am in my Papa Firetrucks glasses, because I left mine at home and I couldn't see the faces of the actors even though we were only 6 rows back from the front...Thank goodness we have almost the same prescription and was able to help out! How silly do I look?

Just being Silly

I have a SUPER funny video for this, but my Mom and Papa have to figure out how to get it on here, keep an eye out. I did this after lunch yesterday before we went to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat at my church. My church is is pretty fun and they do things like this all the time, I am told. You can check out my Church at

Swimming pictures

I have decided to take some swimming lessons, I already knew how to swim, but I am going to learn how to do the proper strokes and possibly go after the gold metal in Freestyle swimming...just kidding. I will try and get the video up for you in a little bit.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Universal Studios Trip

WOW this was fun! I have been earning an allowance here and have been working hard to save money to get my mom a cool Mothers Day gift, with some help from my dad and the money I worked for, I managed to get my mom a Universal Studios Annual Pass! I know it is like WAY early for Mothers Day, but having the tickets burned a hole in my pocket AND they had to be activated before the end of April to work for the whole year. We got our face painted, met animal stars from all sorts of movies, saw some cool stage effects and saw a commercial actually being filmed...I give today a 10. Hope all is well at school and your testing is going good. tell everyone I know I said "hello"!

Face paintings at Universal Studios

Mom and I got our faces painted and became the was cool!

Universal Studios Pictures

I met King Kong up close and personal, Saw cool car effects, had an instant flash flood, parted the waters...Thought twice about checking into the Bates Motel, and nearly escaped a plane crash...WOW all in one tour.